Tuesday, December 29, 2009
This year has been like no other in my life!!!
January we finally received the blessing we had prayed for, our sweet little girl Chandani Grace. After 3 longs years of waiting she was here...and boy we had no idea what to do with her (LOL) but hugs and kisses were at the top of the list!
February Ravi turned 28 and we decided that we just might be able to survive a newborn who was SO CUTE...when she was sleeping of course!
March 1st Ravi blessed our litle miracle, giving her a name and blessing as we all shed a tear and soaked in the joy of the moment...on a lesser note, I turned 26 (BOOOOO!)
April is when I finally got the hang of this getting by on no sleep, motherhood thing and watched as my once teeny, tiny baby turn into a little sumo baby...yay for fat rolls and meaty thighs :)
May - June we welcomed warmer summer weather and attended "Mommy & Me Playdates" at the pool as well as had playdates with other good frienads :)
July was the month of some COOL first for us! We finally were old enough for Sun Tan lotion, which we used at the Beach, playdates and Grandma & Grandpas...and let's not forget it's when we started BABY FOOD!!! That was one great month :)
August we took our VERY first Family vacation to New York and SURVIVED! Very Cool!
By September we had just celebrated our FIVE YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY (Aug 27th) at Swanky "Morton's" Steakhouse. It was night I'll never forget! Ravi treated me like a Queen and when the glorious night came to a close and the clock struck...uh, 9:00pm we picked up our little anniversary "present" Princess from Aunt Sarah's and remembered how blessed we were.
October was our first Halloween with our little one as "Lilo" the night of our ward's Trunk or Treat and "Princess Belle" the actual night of Halloween!!! That night was also our first time using an umbrella stroller!
Novemember Chandani enjoyed Turkey (babyfood of course) with the rest of the crew and hit some HUGE milestones...FIRST TOOTH, FIRST TIME CRAWLING and WALKING WITH FURNITURE!!!
AND to finish off the year...
December we were elated to see her pull up to a standing position on Christmas Eve and walk with a push toy Christmas day. Our Chandani is the BEST gift our little family could have asked for and continues to overwhelm us with joy and love EVERY DAY!!!
Hope all of you had a GREAT year and here's to 2010 and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
I think I can, I THINK I CAN!
I look around my room, my house, my life and think "why is everything always half done???" I know it's the perfectionist in me but I get so overwhelmed and sad when I can't complete at least one thing to my liking. Am I the only one who feels this crazy? LOL!
On a WAY more happy note...I am very blessed to have such an understanding husband and WONDERFUL baby!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Slipping through my fingers...
The hardest, most trying...yet most rewarding thing I've ever done in my life :)
I look at my little girl as she looks up at me and says those words...Ma Ma!
And everytime my heart just melts and I want to give her the world.
I put together an updated slideshow of her growing.
It's just to the right of this post ---------->
Hope you enjoy watching her grow as I do...
Monday, October 5, 2009
I got married and comfortable in my own skin! Unfortunately for my skin, I stretched it to the max having Chandani, weighing in at 170lbs before I gave birth. None of that seemed to matter to me until she turned 6 months and I STILL couldn't drop the weight or fit in to most of my old clothes :(
However, it's a NEW day and I haven't felt this confident in a VERY LONG TIME!!! I've started watching what I eat and instead of denying myself of all the bad, I've made a concerted effort to replace the unhealthy with other yummy much healthier options. I'm trying to work on going to bed earlier and getting up earlier...although Chandani helps me with that last one (lol) I'm even trying to exercise daily, which is a HUGE task to accomplish with a baby and housework!
I started looking at old pics and got down, thinking to myself "I'll never be that little again"...but "That's Not the Goal" I had to remind myself. It's to FEEL BETTER, wear my old clothes again and be able to look in the mirror and say..."hmmmm not too shabby!" :)
There's no magic water or answer...just good old fashion healthy eating, movmement and CONSISTENCY :)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Where Did My Baby Go...?
I love my sweet, sweet baby...but she's growing up and how did this happen? Will it ever get easier to watch her turn into her own person? Did I ever know how deeply and completely I could love another person...hurt when they hurt, love what they love and be over the moon when they are?
I may not be able to answer all these questions today...or ever...but as I prepare for her 9 MONTH doctor appointment tomorrow I'll try not to think of how close we are to her first birthday and try not to ask myself "Where Did My Baby Go?" :(
Friday, August 7, 2009
Here's to you my husband, my partner, my companion, my help-mate...my FRIEND!!! May the next five years be just as wonderful and full of love and laughter!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sink, Warm Water & a Duck!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Sit Down Interview...after the 4 month shots! :(
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Floppy Seat Disaster...
So I go over all the steps before I leave the house...
1) Pack diaper bag with bottle, formula, warm water, diapers, wipes, spare clothes, ECT.
2) Make sure Floppy Seat is in the van
3) Bring Paci for any sudden melt downs
4) Grab Coupons (doing a little dance for coupons)
5) Grab phone that has grocery list on it, calculator feature...oh, and it can also just be used as a phone
I feel confident, covered all my bases...I'm ready :)
Get to Winn-Dixie and find a parking spot right next to the carts so that one will be at my disposal for "installing" the floppy seat while my sweet baby looks on from her comfy seat in the van (little tip from my aforementioned friend)
See DARK storm clouds overhead, hear loud thunder..."Uh, oh!" Getting nervous now!
Look at package with picture to see which side is front and which is back...seems simple enough. Look at strap and try to connect around back of seating area of grocery cart before realizing it's backwards and needs to be pulled out and fed back through so the strap can click together in the front instead of the back.
Proceed to do so, starting to sweat like a fat, farm pig while the "kart boys" look on with glee (raaaaaah!) "Why is this taking so long and why is my face starting to melt off like those guys who open the arc on that Indiana Jones movie?!"
Finally get it all settled in and unhook Chandani from her carseat in the van and put her in, place a fluffy blanket around her for added cushion on the sides of her and give her her Pooh Bear Snuggly for the shopping adventure. Place paci in mouth and reach for diaper bag to get out debit card for easy paying access later when in store. Now dripping sweat onto grocery cart...rarrrr!
Dig hand in bag, dig some more..."Awwww MAN!!!" Left my wallet AT HOME!!!
Chandani was even more displeased...I believe she said "MOMMY, YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!"
Needless to say it was a good dry-run :) Had to go all the way back home, get my wallet and head back to the store. Got her set up again and did some heavy duty shopping!!!
Even saved $35 in deals and coupons...
Even with all the "no wallet drama" we had a GREAT "First Time in Floppy Seat" shopping trip!!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Somebody LOVES her High Chair!
Chandani is officially a Foodie :) She's had applesauce, bananas, green beans and pears so far...and we haven't found anything she doesn't like, yet. She looks like such a big girl in her high chair that it has become my new favorite parts of the day feeding her some breakfast and dinner! Being a mommy is the GREATEST!!!
Monday, July 6, 2009
4th of July...BABY!
Here we have Mommy letting Chandani experince the tide rushing over her little feeties...she was SOOOO good!
Warren (Chandani's youngest cousin and her Best Bud) came to supervise and let her know "it's ok Chandani, it's ok)
She was such a BIG GIRL and even went out in the ocean to float in her canopy float. She was a little skeptical at first, but after a few verses of the ABC song from Mommy AND Daddy she got used to the cold and was AWESOME!!!
Everyone took turns holding her at the beach, but no one quite as "proud" as Paw Paw...hey they kind of match skin colors! (LOL)
Needless to say, after all that excitement Miss Chandani was pooped out...or as Casey would say "a tired bear" so we let her get some shut eye in her pop-up tent! (Check the fan inside...this girl had it made!)
Then onto the Down town Jax fireworks...
Ok, she looks a little freaked in this pic, but it wasn't the fireworks...it was Daddy's blinding camera flash (lol)
Here is Mommy and Baby taking in the beautiful scene!
It was a banner day for the Armogan Family...and one we won't soon forget!!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
It's a Sunshine Day!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Mmmmm Mmmmm Bbbbbbpst!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
My GURU Wife Has Now Made Me A "TEAM MEMBER"
Friday, June 19, 2009
Preparing for Baby :)
What We Could Not Live Without the First 5 Months :)
1) Baby gowns (even for little newborn boys)
I'll agree with my cousin Katheryn...trying to snap a million snaps on a tiny, little newborn in the middle of the night is a nightmare! Baby gowns were wonderful for us to keep our little one warm and cozy and the newborn ones always had fold-over hand mits.
2) Pacifiers (Nuk)
Since we started out nursing the Nuk Pacifiers were the ONLY ones Chandani would take. Now I know "the paci" can be a subject debated down to the ground for some moms but they were a lifesavor for us and a HUGE comfort for Chandani. She only takes them now at bedtime or naptime, but they help lull her to sleep and then she spits thems out :)
3) Receiving blankets
After being swaddled in the hospital for three days the receiving blankets we got were a lifesavor for swaddling at home! Chandani loved to be swaddled up and snug and warm so we definitely got a lot of use out of them.
4) Baby Furniture (Crib, Dresser, Changing table & Co-Sleeper)
Again this could be debated by some moms but ALL of the furniture we got we use almost everyday if not everyday. We've always used her crib for naps and now nighttime too. We love her tall dresser (or I guess it's called a Chest-of-drawers) for all her clothes, her Changing Table is her FAVORITE place...it's where we change diapers, get ready for bathtime, and just coo and PLAY), the Co-Sleeper is a wonderful bassinette that hooks on to the side of the bed for easy access and she still uses it at 5 months when she's having a rough night and we bring her in with us.
5) Exersaucer
This piece of baby furniture is SO wonderful it gets its own description. What can I "not" say about the Exersaucer?! Chandani's used her since 3 & 1/2 months old and she LOVES IT! It helps strengthen her back, stomach and legs and gives her a place to exercise, explore and burn off energy while mommy eats, uses the potty and takes a much needed break :) This little item was DEFINITELY a must for us.
6) Boppy Bouncer
We don't quite use this anymore at 5 months now that she LOVES to sit up, but it was practically her bassinette from birth to 2 & 1/2 months. She WOULD NOT sleep in the co-sleeper or her crib. So if I didn't want to sleep with a baby on me every night the Boppy Bouncer was my saving grace. Because it was a Boppy product it really craddled her and made her feeling cozy enough to sleep really sound...when she slept that is :(
b) Baby Positioner
Once she started sleeping in the bassinette the Baby Positioner made the transition REALLY smooth. It helps craddle them and support them during sleep.
7) Graco Swing
After the bouncer, next came the Swing!!! For a whole month, the swing was the only place she'd nap during the day. I'd put a soft blanket in it, strap her in and give her her Pooh Bear Snuggly and Paci and she'd be out before you could say Pooh :)
b) Soft blankets
These were and are a must now that she's getting older. She loves the way they feel, cuddles them and uses them as teethers when she's cranky going down
8) Pooh Bear Snuggly
Speaking of Pooh Bear Snuggly, Chandani has pretty much used this since birth. A snuggly is basically a little soft, silky blanet with an animal head attached...sounds a little creepy but it truly is quite the wonderful invention. We take it everywhere we go as a little travel companion. She just loves to feel it with her hands, chew on its nose and I always put in her arm so if she falls asleep (which she usually always does) she has something soft to fall asleep against.
9) Graco Travel System
This comes with a Carseat Carrier, base and Stroller :) This has been the biggest help when it comes to getting out of the house, giving mommy and baby a break. After being pinned up in the house all day long, sometimes the best medicine is a little trip out and about. I hook her in to her carrier, slip Pooh in her arms and head out the door. Next we lock the carrier into the base and we're off. Finally, when I get to my destination I just unhook the carrier from the base pop it into the stroller and I'm set for a day of shopping, walking and getting out and about.
10) Bathtub and Bath Products
When Chandani was a teeny, tiny newborn she'd SCREAM bloodly murder through her bathtime. Finally at about 2 & 1/2 months when my piggy-mama finally got some fat she LOVED her bathtime and still does to this very day. So the infant bathtub with sling was a GREAT help. She used the sling to cradle her until about 4 months. Then she'd lay back in the tub without it until 5 months. Now, she wants to sit up in the tub during bathtime. I especially loved the Bedtime Bath Set that came with the lullabye CD!!! Chandani LOVES the songs and we play them in the van over and OVER when we go on car rides :)
***As far as diapers go...we've used them all so here's our take on it...
Luvs - Fine but don't hold as much so they have to be changed A LOT more frequently
Nature's Best Organic - Ok, but kind of stiff feeling and hold a little more than Luvs
Huggies - Fit nice, hold pretty good but tended to be more narrow and leak more often with our Miss Chub, Chub
Pampers - by far seem to be our best Diapering experience...they do cost a little more but coupons help cut cost and they're worth every penny
(The newborn swaddlers gave her a little rash, but the "Baby Dry" and "Cruisers" have been great)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Trying to Crawl or Swim?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
ELMO, who?!
Ok, it wasn't all good feelings from the get go...
First we brought them face to face. You know how important first impressions can be in any good relationship, but Chandani had other ideas as she said...
..."Are you kidding me with this puffy, red guy??? I would like him to go away now, please! He's kind of creeping me out."
Then we decided that maybe they should get to know each other a little better, so we got him to talk to her. You know, strike up a little convo about letters, numbers, what's going down on the Sesame Street. However, Chandani didn't feel so social as she said...
..."Mommy, I'm not playing around here. His red fur is kind of burning out my retinas and he just keeps rambling on and on about 'HI, I'm Elmo', it's so lame. I would like him to go away now, Please!"
We tried to explain to Elmo that this probably wasn't gonna work out, but he was so insistent that he could win her over. He said that no one can resist trying to tickle him. So he began asking her, saying 'Tickle me', but Chandani wasn't having it. She finally had enough and said...
..."Arrrrgh, if you want something done you just have to do it yourself! Listen Eljo, I don't want to tickle you, I don't want to hug you...GET OFF!"
I'm not gonna lie, it was hard not to laugh...but a Mother's job is to teach what is right. So after a long, deep talk Chandani about respecting other people's feelings no matter how different they may be she decided to "bite her lip" and give Elmo a chance!
And I'm happy to report they're playing very nice together now :)
Monday, June 1, 2009
Mall Diva!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Motherhood & The Book of Mormon........ Go Hand & Hand!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Full Fledge Thumb-Sucker!
It is now definite...somebody LOVES her thumb! !! So I thought that Chandani was a straight-up Paci baby, but WHOA WAS I WRONG! LOL :) Most of the time now she'll sucks on her paci for a little bit, pull it out, examine it and then throw it...annnnnnnnnndddddd THUMB! She might start out with her whole hand in her mouth, but eventually ends up with her new little friend, Thumb :)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Nap...what nap?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Oh, the WONDERS of Singing Time
Here's a video of one of our "Sing Times" together when she was around 2 & 1/2 months...
Monday, May 11, 2009
Saturday Morning Cartoons
I let her watch a little Playhouse Disney in the morning before her first nap while she plays in her Exersaucer and then a little Baby Einstein during the afternoon before her next nap, but I really try to limit it as much as possible with things like Exercise Time, Singing Time and Story Time (which she LOVES to read books in the rocking chair "almost" as much as tv...sheeessh!)
This was her at 11 weeks (2 months, 2 weeks & 4 days) watching her first Saturday Morning Cartoons :)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Chandani's (Bollywood Star) First Movie :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Oh, Green Cove...How I LOVE you!
You could probably walk from one end of it to the other in the time it would take you to walk the Orange Park Mall :) I absolutely LOVE being right off the River and the beautiful sky at sunrise and sunset over by Black Creek...
It is no AMC 24 Theatre, but the town theatre is just the cutest thing I have ever seen!!! It was originally an Opera House, but was converted to a Movie Theatre in 1936. It only has two theatres as the original balcony was converted to another screen in the '90s, but it is quite the place to be on a Friday or Saturday night!
Another cool fact is that the community swimming pool is actually fed by a natural spring!!! The history of the spring is quite interesting... "The rich history of Green Cove Springs is tied to the natural springs and the St. Johns River...the area was first settled in the mid-1800s and was called White Sulfur Springs. After that and around 1850, Green Cove became a prime tourist attraction, famous for the warm, therapeutic springs. The sulfur springs, or the “boil” as it was called brought wealthy visitors down the St. Johns River by steamboat to vacation at the grand hotels like the Clarendon and Qui-Si-Sana. Visitors of the period included Henry Flagler and his new bride, the Astors and Vanderbilts. The visitors drank from the spring believing in its medicinal values. It is said one local physician prescribed the spring water for various chronic ailments of the liver and kidneys. There are those today that still have confidence in the therapeutic value of the springs and can be seen daily drawing water from the spring for consumption." I have yet to take a dip yet, but for $1 you can swim all day long :)
However, my favorite place in Green Cove is the children's park!!! We've taken my sister's kids there since they were little and now it's finally our turn to take Chandani there to experience it's beauty and amusement. It's right off the River so every now and again you get a cool, refreshing breeze as you play. There's a beautiful gazebo, bridge and many, MANY absolutely gorgeous old trees lending lots of shade. I might be a little bias, but I'd have to say that in my opinion..."Green Cove Springs is where it's at!" (Sorry Kim...LOL!)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
YAY...for figuring out Blogspot!
First I had to put together a slideshow in photobucket (which didn't take very long at all) but then came the hard part...figuring out how to put it into the sidebar of Blogger where it would fit...OY! I tried using the "Slideshow" gadget, but after a day and a half said "FORGET IT!" LOL :)
Finally I just put it in as an HTML and googled how to enlarged the widget borders and went through the slideshow code to find the dimensions to shrink it to fit my now "somewhat" enlarged border... I'm tellin' ya my hubby would have been proud of a wifey (ha ha ha)
Monday, May 4, 2009
Teething Stinks :(
Daddy went out and got her three little teethers she can chew on...and OH HOW SHE LOVES THEM! They're the ones you can refrigerate or freeze and are little gifts straight from Heaven :)
It's still a little crazy to me that she could start teething this early...any other mommies out there have an early teether? What did you use to help soothe?
Saturday, May 2, 2009
"So Much Friendlier With POOH!"
Hmmmmm...what to do? Then it occurred to me...she always falls asleep in her carseat with her Pooh Bear Snuggly! Well, let's try it, couldn't hurt right? I placed her in the crib, put Pooh in front of her and gave her her Paci. She of course did not fall right asleep but decided to start stroking Pooh and telling him "It's ok Pooh, Mommy puts me in here for a nap all the time"...well, at least I imagine that's what those coos and high pitch squeals meant (LOL!)
I walked out to get a glass of water, peaked back in and this is what I found...
HOW CUTE IS SHE??? Oh, I love being a Mommy!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
We decided to put her down in the crib last night and sleep on the pull out couch...just in case...I know, I know we're so OCD (LOL) Needless to say it was a HORRIBLE night's sleep for Mommy and Daddy, but wonderful for Miss Chandani :)
This morning before Daddy left for work he peeked in just to check on her and she was
just-uh cooing it up, smilin' and studying her crib...like she hasn't been in it a million times before for naps during the day (LOL). Then mommy came in to take a peek and I got the
"TA-DAH! Look at me, Mommy" pose :)
It was just classic!!!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Chandani's First Shopping Trip :)
This darling little checkered outfit you see to the left is now sitting in a Kohls garbage can...needless to say it was not able to be saved and beyond repair. "Thank goodness I always keep at least two changes of clothing in my bag, " I thought "WAIT...my bag!" Needless to say I ended up carrying my half naked baby out of the restroom and back to my stroller to grab the clothes. Luckily I was shopping with my friend Jac and she was able to help me clothe my poor baby quickly. Oh, the joys of motherhood...LOL...I'm sure I must be the only one with such a story, right???