Monday, May 4, 2009

Teething Stinks :(

My poor little Chandani has been teething off and on since she was 2 months old :( I didn't think it was possible for her to teeth that early, but the doctor confirmed it at her 2 month well visit! OH BOY!

Daddy went out and got her three little teethers she can chew on...and OH HOW SHE LOVES THEM! They're the ones you can refrigerate or freeze and are little gifts straight from Heaven :)

It's still a little crazy to me that she could start teething this early...any other mommies out there have an early teether? What did you use to help soothe?


  1. No early teether yet. I'll be sure to post about it in a few months!!

  2. I know it sounds funny, but my kids all loved to chew on the baby sized toothbrushes. I think all the bristles rubbing against their gums must have felt really good to them. Hopefully those teeth will pop out soon and stop bothering her so much!
