Friday, May 1, 2009


Ok, so Ravi and I decided to do an experiment last night...we decided to test our 8 to 10 hour sleeping baby in her crib. Now, I'm not going to lie, we have not cut the bassinette-in-the-room strings yet but we are getting closesr :)

We decided to put her down in the crib last night and sleep on the pull out couch...just in case...I know, I know we're so OCD (LOL) Needless to say it was a HORRIBLE night's sleep for Mommy and Daddy, but wonderful for Miss Chandani :)

This morning before Daddy left for work he peeked in just to check on her and she was
just-uh cooing it up, smilin' and studying her she hasn't been in it a million times before for naps during the day (LOL). Then mommy came in to take a peek and I got the
"TA-DAH! Look at me, Mommy" pose :)
It was just classic!!!


  1. I'm SO diappointed you slept in the there with could've had plenty of Ravi and Carrie time instead of Mommy and Daddy time! But that's all least you won't do it again because your backs won't allow it! Thanks for stopping by today. She is a little doll and I love her! And of course we all know that I love you too! :)

  2. We slept on the futon outside Annabelle's room for the first week that we put her in her crib (but she was only 2 weeks old... the basinet did not go over well for her). Then, I realized that I could hear her crying from any spot in the house!

  3. Her little Ta-Da pose is so cute. It is always amazing how quickly kids adjust to new situations. I think most of the time it is the adults that have a hard time adjusting :)
