I'm happy to say my little girl is a BORN SHOPPER! LOL :) In a recent shopping trip, for some new clothes for mommy, I got to take miss Chandani out and about to see how she'd do and she was "wonderful" :) As we went down rows of clearance clothes (Holla for bargains) she'd reach her little hand out of the stroller to touch all the clothes...of course probably inspecting their color, texture and overall quality as a skilled shopper would...ha ha ha! Everything was going so smoothly until...the dreaded diaper check :( The smell was undeniable to a seasoned mommy...ok or anyone else with a nose with the shopping radius...but it was so terrible I even purposely checked her back and saw nothing suspicious, but knew from the stench I still needed to take her to change anyway. For the first time ever, I made the mistake of thinking I'll just take her wipes and diaper...I mean there should be no need taking the whole bag, right? BOY WAS I WRONG!!! It appears she had nothing on her back because it had gone up her front...oooooh :(
This darling little checkered outfit you see to the left is now sitting in a Kohls garbage can...needless to say it was not able to be saved and beyond repair. "Thank goodness I always keep at least two changes of clothing in my bag, " I thought "WAIT...my bag!" Needless to say I ended up carrying my half naked baby out of the restroom and back to my stroller to grab the clothes. Luckily I was shopping with my friend Jac and she was able to help me clothe my poor baby quickly. Oh, the joys of motherhood...LOL...I'm sure I must be the only one with such a story, right???
She's such a girl...she just wanted to change clothes! :)
ReplyDeleteYes, you are the only one that has ever happened to ;) I'll never forget a "quick" trip to Wal-mart, so I didn't replinish the diaper bag wipe stash. BIG Mistake! The poopie mess was everywhere, in her front, in her back and all over her car seat that she was sitting in... no bueno! Thank goodness for paper towels. Needless to say the diaper bag wipes stash is always full before leaving the house now. (and yes, I had to put her back in her poopie car seat for the drive home. And I felt horrible the whole way!)
ReplyDeleteGirl! But seeing you come out with a little naked indian baby in the middle of Kohls was PRICELESS!! :) And PS -- You are gonna be one hot smokin' mama in those new clothes. OW! :)
ReplyDeleteDon't you just love poopy messes? Not!! At least it wasn't at church and all over you own clothes too. YUCK!
ReplyDeleteOh yes - I have one too.
ReplyDeleteRyan was maybe 2 months old when she had juicy squirts all over herself and her clothes. I did have my diaper bag, so I changed her in the bathroom and threw the outfit away. Then, she did it again, so I changed her again. Then again one more time and I was out of diapers and clothes so I had to use a burp cloth and wrap her in a blanket. Oh, the fun with the poopy!