Monday, May 11, 2009

Saturday Morning Cartoons

As soon as Chandani learned to focus her eyes she has been IN LOVE with the tv! LOL! Which is especially ironic since I promised myself that I'd never be one of those moms that plopped my kid down in front of the tv for hours...which I still don't and never will...but I'll be darned if she isn't drawn to it anyway :)

I let her watch a little Playhouse Disney in the morning before her first nap while she plays in her Exersaucer and then a little Baby Einstein during the afternoon before her next nap, but I really try to limit it as much as possible with things like Exercise Time, Singing Time and Story Time (which she LOVES to read books in the rocking chair "almost" as much as tv...sheeessh!)

This was her at 11 weeks (2 months, 2 weeks & 4 days) watching her first Saturday Morning Cartoons :)


  1. That is really cute. It is funny how different kids are though. Dallin and Mandy LOVE TV, but Layton has yet to show even a little bit of interest in it. He won't even watch the Baby Eistein movies. He is all about moving - constantly!

  2. I love your credits at the end of the video! Mark and I were talking about Saturday cartoons, they just aren't the same anymore are they?
