Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Oh, the WONDERS of Singing Time

Oh, how Chandani LOVES Music :) She can be fussing in the car and all I have to do is start singing one of her favorite songs and she perks right up and is so happy again. Music truly is a wonder, especially in the lives of children :)

Here's a video of one of our "Sing Times" together when she was around 2 & 1/2 months...


  1. Oh, how babies love singing time! And let's face it, fast forward a few years to girl’s camp and we still love singing time ;) Lacey was mesmerized by this video, you sang her favorite songs and she loves watching babies. She couldn't take eyes off of it and then asked to replay it... too cute! Thanks for posting!

  2. That is why my very favorite calling in church is primary chorister. Music is magic!
