Ok, it wasn't all good feelings from the get go...
First we brought them face to face. You know how important first impressions can be in any good relationship, but Chandani had other ideas as she said...

..."Are you kidding me with this puffy, red guy??? I would like him to go away now, please! He's kind of creeping me out."
Then we decided that maybe they should get to know each other a little better, so we got him to talk to her. You know, strike up a little convo about letters, numbers, what's going down on the Sesame Street. However, Chandani didn't feel so social as she said...

..."Mommy, I'm not playing around here. His red fur is kind of burning out my retinas and he just keeps rambling on and on about 'HI, I'm Elmo', it's so lame. I would like him to go away now, Please!"
We tried to explain to Elmo that this probably wasn't gonna work out, but he was so insistent that he could win her over. He said that no one can resist trying to tickle him. So he began asking her, saying 'Tickle me', but Chandani wasn't having it. She finally had enough and said...

..."Arrrrgh, if you want something done you just have to do it yourself! Listen Eljo, I don't want to tickle you, I don't want to hug you...GET OFF!"
I'm not gonna lie, it was hard not to laugh...but a Mother's job is to teach what is right. So after a long, deep talk Chandani about respecting other people's feelings no matter how different they may be she decided to "bite her lip" and give Elmo a chance!

And I'm happy to report they're playing very nice together now :)
Bahahahaha!!! She is such a cutie, and I love this post! Glad they are getting along now. Elmo seems like a good guy =)