Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sink, Warm Water & a Duck!

Well, we've graduated from the infant tub to the...sink? LOL! She just LOVES to sit up now so there was no use prolonging the inevitable :)

Now, there was a toddler side of our infant tub I could be using...but who wants to keep lugging that thing from bathroom to sink?!

I also could put that infant tub in the big tub and give her a bath that way...but who wants to bend over a tub to make sure their little one doesn't tip over like a teapot (LOL!)

She sits up REALLY well by herself but definitely still needs a hand close by for tilting or tipping. So until I feel more secure and my back can hold up...the sink is the PLACE TO BE :)

And just look at this face...I think she agrees!


  1. I love bathtime! Its the best for babies. I can't wait to bathe my little man and take cute pictures in the sink. I have pictures like this in our kitchen sink. Maybe I should post them for you.

  2. Awwhhhh, love a baby in a sink. So cute.

  3. She is DARLING! I love those pictures!

  4. Carrie, she just couldn't BE any more beautiful. We love our Chandani!!! And she clearly LOVES her sink baths! What a good girl!
