Thursday, October 1, 2009

Where Did My Baby Go...?

I look at Chandani everyday and ask myself that same question... "where did my tiny 6lb, 10oz baby go???" Why is she talking...saying ma ma, da da, duck and her own rendition of "gu gur" which is good girl! Why does she always want to stand? Why is she such a GOOD eater and eating three times a day now? Why can't she wear her 3-6 month clothes anymore and why do I get SOOOOOO sad when I have to put clothes away?

I love my sweet, sweet baby...but she's growing up and how did this happen? Will it ever get easier to watch her turn into her own person? Did I ever know how deeply and completely I could love another person...hurt when they hurt, love what they love and be over the moon when they are?

I may not be able to answer all these questions today...or ever...but as I prepare for her 9 MONTH doctor appointment tomorrow I'll try not to think of how close we are to her first birthday and try not to ask myself "Where Did My Baby Go?" :(


  1. You're right, it is crazy how fast she is growing up and how sad that I can only see it by watching your blog :( I remember one day Tim and I were watching her play and he said almost the exact same thing, "She turning into her own little person." "They tend to do that," I said ;) But that doesn't make it any eaisier to watch as we miss our little 6 pound newborns!

  2. It really does go by so fast. I can't believe she is already 9 months old! She is so pretty.

  3. Nope, Carrie, you won't ever stop asking yourself those questions! I say that about my 8 year-old every day. How could this happen?

    She's a cutie!
