Friday, May 29, 2009
Motherhood & The Book of Mormon........ Go Hand & Hand!

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Full Fledge Thumb-Sucker!

It is now definite...somebody LOVES her thumb! !! So I thought that Chandani was a straight-up Paci baby, but WHOA WAS I WRONG! LOL :) Most of the time now she'll sucks on her paci for a little bit, pull it out, examine it and then throw it...annnnnnnnnndddddd THUMB! She might start out with her whole hand in her mouth, but eventually ends up with her new little friend, Thumb :)
Monday, May 18, 2009
Nap...what nap?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Oh, the WONDERS of Singing Time
Here's a video of one of our "Sing Times" together when she was around 2 & 1/2 months...
Monday, May 11, 2009
Saturday Morning Cartoons
I let her watch a little Playhouse Disney in the morning before her first nap while she plays in her Exersaucer and then a little Baby Einstein during the afternoon before her next nap, but I really try to limit it as much as possible with things like Exercise Time, Singing Time and Story Time (which she LOVES to read books in the rocking chair "almost" as much as tv...sheeessh!)
This was her at 11 weeks (2 months, 2 weeks & 4 days) watching her first Saturday Morning Cartoons :)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Chandani's (Bollywood Star) First Movie :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Oh, Green Cove...How I LOVE you!

You could probably walk from one end of it to the other in the time it would take you to walk the Orange Park Mall :) I absolutely LOVE being right off the River and the beautiful sky at sunrise and sunset over by Black Creek...

It is no AMC 24 Theatre, but the town theatre is just the cutest thing I have ever seen!!! It was originally an Opera House, but was converted to a Movie Theatre in 1936. It only has two theatres as the original balcony was converted to another screen in the '90s, but it is quite the place to be on a Friday or Saturday night!
Another cool fact is that the community swimming pool is actually fed by a natural spring!!! The history of the spring is quite interesting... "The rich history of Green Cove Springs is tied to the natural springs and the St. Johns River...the area was first settled in the mid-1800s and was called White Sulfur Springs. After that and around 1850, Green Cove became a prime tourist attraction, famous for the warm, therapeutic springs. The sulfur springs, or the “boil” as it was called brought wealthy visitors down the St. Johns River by steamboat to vacation at the grand hotels like the Clarendon and Qui-Si-Sana. Visitors of the period included Henry Flagler and his new bride, the Astors and Vanderbilts. The visitors drank from the spring believing in its medicinal values. It is said one local physician prescribed the spring water for various chronic ailments of the liver and kidneys. There are those today that still have confidence in the therapeutic value of the springs and can be seen daily drawing water from the spring for consumption." I have yet to take a dip yet, but for $1 you can swim all day long :)
However, my favorite place in Green Cove is the children's park!!! We've taken my sister's kids there since they were little and now it's finally our turn to take Chandani there to experience it's beauty and amusement. It's right off the River so every now and again you get a cool, refreshing breeze as you play. There's a beautiful gazebo, bridge and many, MANY absolutely gorgeous old trees lending lots of shade. I might be a little bias, but I'd have to say that in my opinion..."Green Cove Springs is where it's at!" (Sorry Kim...LOL!)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
YAY...for figuring out Blogspot!
First I had to put together a slideshow in photobucket (which didn't take very long at all) but then came the hard part...figuring out how to put it into the sidebar of Blogger where it would fit...OY! I tried using the "Slideshow" gadget, but after a day and a half said "FORGET IT!" LOL :)
Finally I just put it in as an HTML and googled how to enlarged the widget borders and went through the slideshow code to find the dimensions to shrink it to fit my now "somewhat" enlarged border... I'm tellin' ya my hubby would have been proud of a wifey (ha ha ha)
Monday, May 4, 2009
Teething Stinks :(

Daddy went out and got her three little teethers she can chew on...and OH HOW SHE LOVES THEM! They're the ones you can refrigerate or freeze and are little gifts straight from Heaven :)
It's still a little crazy to me that she could start teething this early...any other mommies out there have an early teether? What did you use to help soothe?
Saturday, May 2, 2009
"So Much Friendlier With POOH!"

Hmmmmm...what to do? Then it occurred to me...she always falls asleep in her carseat with her Pooh Bear Snuggly! Well, let's try it, couldn't hurt right? I placed her in the crib, put Pooh in front of her and gave her her Paci. She of course did not fall right asleep but decided to start stroking Pooh and telling him "It's ok Pooh, Mommy puts me in here for a nap all the time"...well, at least I imagine that's what those coos and high pitch squeals meant (LOL!)
I walked out to get a glass of water, peaked back in and this is what I found...

Friday, May 1, 2009

We decided to put her down in the crib last night and sleep on the pull out couch...just in case...I know, I know we're so OCD (LOL) Needless to say it was a HORRIBLE night's sleep for Mommy and Daddy, but wonderful for Miss Chandani :)
This morning before Daddy left for work he peeked in just to check on her and she was
just-uh cooing it up, smilin' and studying her crib...like she hasn't been in it a million times before for naps during the day (LOL). Then mommy came in to take a peek and I got the
"TA-DAH! Look at me, Mommy" pose :)
It was just classic!!!