Well, the year is wrapping up and so much has happened that I can't possibly sum it all up. However, I can say we are definitely on our way to Potty Training with our little girl :)
"Slow and Steady wins the race" is my motto for 2011! Whether it's getting in shape, potty training or about a thousand other resolutions I have ahead of me I keep reminding myself it's not a Sprint it's a Marathon and I have a year to do it in so plenty of time.
Thought I'd post this very short, but SUPER cute video of Chandani singing on the potty...don't worry it's totally Rated G :) We call it "Twinkle, Twinkle while we Twinkle"!!! Enjoy :)
Monday, December 27, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Shopping Pro!
So, I needed to run and get a few things, at the grocery store, the other day. We pull up, jump out and look for a "Car Cart" to cruise in while mommy grabs a few things off the grocery list. However, to our dismay...no car cart :( So I say to myself "well, this is a fast visit...maybe she'd be ok just walking through the store real quick". She's always been a "rider" in the grocery store, but there's a first time for everything :)
Here she is, a BORN SHOPPER...
But then she got tired and find a genius way to "hitch a ride"...
Here she is, a BORN SHOPPER...
But then she got tired and find a genius way to "hitch a ride"...
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Big Sister!
Well, the day we look forward to might not be here yet, but I can tell you one thing for sure, the day Father in Heaven blesses us with a new, little spirit in our home...Chandani will be the BEST Big Sister ever.
Everytime we're at a playdate with someone who has a little baby, Chandani LOVES to play with the baby. Sometimes she'd even rather play with the baby over the big sister (LOL) We are currently up to five baby dolls now, not sure how that happened, and she loves them all. Carrying them around, singing to them, trying to feed them Cheerios or a bottle and snuggling them warm my heart and always makes me smile!
Just the other day we went for a playdate and while the big sister was using the potty Chandani climbed down on the floor with the little sister. What I caught on film may be the CUTEST thing I've ever seen...
Everytime we're at a playdate with someone who has a little baby, Chandani LOVES to play with the baby. Sometimes she'd even rather play with the baby over the big sister (LOL) We are currently up to five baby dolls now, not sure how that happened, and she loves them all. Carrying them around, singing to them, trying to feed them Cheerios or a bottle and snuggling them warm my heart and always makes me smile!
Just the other day we went for a playdate and while the big sister was using the potty Chandani climbed down on the floor with the little sister. What I caught on film may be the CUTEST thing I've ever seen...
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Hi Ho, Hi Ho...it's off to climbing she goes!
I Love It...
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Don't pass out everyone...I am actually blogging again :) I've officially updated my layout, picture slide show of Miss Chandani and song list! Gotta love mastering something you've been behind on.
Our biggest joy continues to be our soon to be 20-month old litle (not-so-baby) girl and all the fun new adventures she brings into our life. Her vocab is up to about 11 words consisting of "mama, dada, duck, cracker, kittycat, hi, bye, yesss, NO!, teeeese (please) & our most recent word WIPESSSSSS"! LOL! And she officially said her first sentence two days ago which was "I love mama!" and then pointed to ME...talk about the best day of my life!!!
Along with some vocab we're also learning sign language and have mastered the sign for "cracker, milk, water, cookie and her FAVORITE sign...MORE!" Her favorite songs to sing and do the hand motions to are "Itsy Bitsy Spider, Popcorn & The Wise Man/Foolish Man Song" but her favorites to sing (whether mama sings along or not) is the "ABC Song & "SUNBEAM". Every now and then I hear her singing "Na da da da da da na DAAAAAA" as she jumps...it's hysterical!
And our little genius LOVESSSS to count to three. Which usually goes like this "Un, Ooo, thEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" which she shrieks as loud as our ears can stand and then laughs :) She's quite the little ham and laughs at her self all the time...whether mama & dada are laughing or not.
Ravi and I are just simply IN LOVE with watching our little girl learn and grow at each level of life. And although we can't wait to give her a little sister or brother one day we are enormously grateful for the opportunity Father in Heaven has given us to spend "every moment" with Chandani celebrating her victories and helping her through trying milestones :)
Our biggest joy continues to be our soon to be 20-month old litle (not-so-baby) girl and all the fun new adventures she brings into our life. Her vocab is up to about 11 words consisting of "mama, dada, duck, cracker, kittycat, hi, bye, yesss, NO!, teeeese (please) & our most recent word WIPESSSSSS"! LOL! And she officially said her first sentence two days ago which was "I love mama!" and then pointed to ME...talk about the best day of my life!!!
Along with some vocab we're also learning sign language and have mastered the sign for "cracker, milk, water, cookie and her FAVORITE sign...MORE!" Her favorite songs to sing and do the hand motions to are "Itsy Bitsy Spider, Popcorn & The Wise Man/Foolish Man Song" but her favorites to sing (whether mama sings along or not) is the "ABC Song & "SUNBEAM". Every now and then I hear her singing "Na da da da da da na DAAAAAA" as she jumps...it's hysterical!
And our little genius LOVESSSS to count to three. Which usually goes like this "Un, Ooo, thEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" which she shrieks as loud as our ears can stand and then laughs :) She's quite the little ham and laughs at her self all the time...whether mama & dada are laughing or not.
Ravi and I are just simply IN LOVE with watching our little girl learn and grow at each level of life. And although we can't wait to give her a little sister or brother one day we are enormously grateful for the opportunity Father in Heaven has given us to spend "every moment" with Chandani celebrating her victories and helping her through trying milestones :)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Sleepy Babies

Or after church, on a lazy Sunday afternoon, it was not unusual to find my sweeties curled up catching some Zzzzzzz's together!

And now almost sixteen months have gone by and I sit here, late at night, in the livingroom listening to them make the same sleep sounds from different rooms :) I don't think these two could be any more alike...and I wouldn't change them for the world!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Don't die of shock...
I know, I know...it's been FOREVER since I made any kind post. However, in my defense running after a one year old while taking online classes, magnifying my church calling, being over run with housework, actually doing my visiting teaching and preparing for a week of Girl's Camp does tend to take up a lot of time :( LOL! Ok, enough excuses :)
The best parts of my life continue to be my wonderful Eternal Companion and my more than precious baby girl...who like her cousin Annabelle is not so baby anymore :(

She never ceases to amaze me with the new and hysterical things she does everyday! The new thing she's started doing that absolutely cracks me up is this laying on the ground thing. It doesn't matter where we are whether it's home, church or someone else's house when she wants to get comfty it's down on the belly she goes.

And of course she's been walking for sometime, but the first time I caught it on video (via my not so clear iphone) was the absolute BEST!
Of course "daddy" never ceases to amaze me either :) I went to visiting teach a sister one night this past week and when I came home daddy had already put miss Chandani to bed. I went in to see her before I went to bed and nothing seems out of place or different. The next morning I woke up to my daughter dressed in this for bed...

Daddy's sure got STYLE!!!
Our latest "big event" came in the form of the crib Chandani's been sleeping in since 4 months old being RECALLED :( A 1 yr old died from the metal tubes underneath the mattress collapsing as well as multiple other children being hurt for the same reason. Thank goodness we found out before anything like that happened to our little angel! After taking apart the crib myself (as Chandani cheered "thinking" she wasn't getting a nap), searching for a new crib, findining it at a store not too far away, taking back the old to get the new and putting it together late last night Chandani slept in it like a CHAMP.
The best parts of my life continue to be my wonderful Eternal Companion and my more than precious baby girl...who like her cousin Annabelle is not so baby anymore :(

She never ceases to amaze me with the new and hysterical things she does everyday! The new thing she's started doing that absolutely cracks me up is this laying on the ground thing. It doesn't matter where we are whether it's home, church or someone else's house when she wants to get comfty it's down on the belly she goes.

And of course she's been walking for sometime, but the first time I caught it on video (via my not so clear iphone) was the absolute BEST!
Of course "daddy" never ceases to amaze me either :) I went to visiting teach a sister one night this past week and when I came home daddy had already put miss Chandani to bed. I went in to see her before I went to bed and nothing seems out of place or different. The next morning I woke up to my daughter dressed in this for bed...

Daddy's sure got STYLE!!!
Our latest "big event" came in the form of the crib Chandani's been sleeping in since 4 months old being RECALLED :( A 1 yr old died from the metal tubes underneath the mattress collapsing as well as multiple other children being hurt for the same reason. Thank goodness we found out before anything like that happened to our little angel! After taking apart the crib myself (as Chandani cheered "thinking" she wasn't getting a nap), searching for a new crib, findining it at a store not too far away, taking back the old to get the new and putting it together late last night Chandani slept in it like a CHAMP.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Chandani's Big Party...she's ONE!!!
You dream it, you imagine it and yet when the big day comes nothing can even come close to the real thing. The decorations, the cake and the sweet little Birthday Girl grinning from ear to ear...makes all the planning worth it!

She smiled, she danced and got LOTS of Birthday kisses...
from Mommy
and her lil' BFF Autumn!
And don't forget the CAKE!!!
Mommy helps blow out the candle while Chandani makes a wish!
Daddy feeds Chandani some cake...
..then Chandani fed Daddy!
Chandani even let Mommy have some :)
However, nothing was as good as feeding herself! YUM!!!

She smiled, she danced and got LOTS of Birthday kisses...

And don't forget the CAKE!!!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010
C.S.I. (Crazy Sleeper Investigation)
Well it's here...my baby is turning ONE and I just can't believe it! So all this reflection got me looking through old pics. Old pics that took me from "Awwwwww" to "Ouch" (labor pics...LOL). From smiles to tears of joy at how my little one has changed so much and yet remains the same. Same pitiful cry face, same BIG cheesy smile and same...CRAZY SLEEPING POSITIONS! :)
So I thought I'd share some of my favs!
"Hallelujah for my Co-Sleeper Pose"
"Don't you go no where mama Pose"
"Hot dog in a bun Pose"
"Buddy system Pose"
"All played out Pose"
"Daddy & Baby Bear Pose"
"Chill-axin' Pose"
"In my cousin's bed Pose"
"Ninja sleeper Pose"
"Spy under cover Pose"
"Snuggle bunny Pose"
"Pooped out protester Pose"
"Bottom's up Pose"
"C is for Chandani Pose"
So I thought I'd share some of my favs!

Saturday, January 9, 2010
How Did I Get SO Blessed?!

Everyday I wake up in a house that is rather small and even plain, yet cozy, warm and full of love and laughter.
Everyday I wake up to the secret language of my darling daughter, as she babbles, coos and often shrieks to wake me, yet I can't stop that smile from spreading across my face.
Everyday I wake up to an empty bed as my husband (and BEST friend) gets up before the sun does so that he can make an hour comute to an often stressful and tedius job just so that we can have food, clothes and so that I can stay home everyday to fufill my GREATEST calling ever as I teach, love and watch our baby girl grow within the walls of our little, plain, BLESSED home :)
Everyday I ask myself...How Did I Get SO Blessed?
Friday, January 8, 2010
Mommy's Little "Service" Snow Bunny!

Even with the weather turning freezing COLD lately, my little baby girl can always warm my heart! I've have so many chances to do service lately for people I don't even know very well, but have come to love. One such act of service was especially dear to my heart because my little Chandani got to help (as much as an 11 month old can) and go with me. The picture above is my little Snow Bunny all bundled up and ready to serve :)
An elderly sister in our ward is unable to do her own laundry, as last time she tried she fell and was hurt very badly, so I was asked if I could go get her laundry from her, wash it and bring it back. She has no husband, no children or grandchildren and all of her family has since passed away...SO SAD! However, she LOVES seeing Chandani at church each Sunday :)
So I go pick up her laundry, sort it and start washing and drying. I'm pulling the dried clothes out of the dryer and putting it into a basket on the floor when I feel little hands on the back of my legs. My little helper has crawled into the laundry room (away from her toys and tv) and is pulling things out of the dryer with me!!! :)
We decide instead of just picking up and dropping off we'll have a little visit. Chandani walks over to her rocking chair, holding onto the couch, and points up at this sister and smiles a HUGE smile as she chatters on with her, having a little conversation of their own. You should have seen this sister's face light up at such a warm, little greeting from mommy's little angel!
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Every year, for as long as I can remember, I have honored the age old tradition of setting New Year Resolutions...and every year I haven't kept one :( LOL!
However, this time it's going to be, well, NEW! I am still setting resolutions but not in the strict "I must do these everyday to achieve them"! I figure I'm just setting myself up for failure that way. So I am instead telling myself, and apparently all of you followers, that these are the resolutions I want to WORK ON and try to keep fresh in my mind for the year 2010.
And the list is...
1) Read from the Book of Mormon and gain a firmer testimony of it!
2) Keep my house more organized and clean!
3) Spend more time with the tv, computer, cell phone and other technologies OFF!
4) Learn to enjoy life more and stress less over the little and big things!
5) Have family prayer and Companion Scripture study on a regular basis
6) Find time to do a physical activity for my health and fun!
7) Not drink soda!
8) Find time for ME on a regular basis to reflect, rejuvenate and relax!
9) Make time for Ravi and me to connect & strengthen our relationship as a couple!
10) Work on EVENTUALLY giving Chandani a sibling by maintaining my health!
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