Monday, October 3, 2011

Example of Great Leadership!!

Imagine telling the CEO of the company that you have been working for, for almost eight full years now; that you are leaving to pursue your career elsewhere. Well that is what I had to do today, due to a dream I have always wanted to pursue in IT and here I am with the opportunity. So I called Mike this morning and let him know I wanted to speak with him one on one and he made a joke that cracked me up; the usual great sense of humor from Mike. It made me smile all the way to his office and once I got there I knew I was doing the right thing in speaking with him face to face.

As I sat down in one of the chairs in Mike's office; I started to explain to him that I had an opportunity that I just had to take because of that dream I wanted to fulfill. Mike looked at me with no hesitation and said I am happy for you and I want you to succeed. He said if this is something you want to fulfill in your career go for it and if it does not work out; you always have a home here at EI. I only speak of this; because this kind of genuine friendship, respect, and leadership is so hard to find in today's world period. Mike showed me once again what it takes to be an effective leader and I thank him for that. I will always remember those kind words and make him proud by furthering my career with passion and education (READING).


Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition. Whether it be true or not, I can say for one that I have no other so great as that of being truly esteemed of my fellow men, by rendering myself worthy of their esteem.
Abraham Lincoln

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Ravi! Follow those dreams, they lead to GREAT places. Good luck in your new adventure. :)
