Friday, October 15, 2010

Shopping Pro!

So, I needed to run and get a few things, at the grocery store, the other day. We pull up, jump out and look for a "Car Cart" to cruise in while mommy grabs a few things off the grocery list. However, to our car cart :( So I say to myself "well, this is a fast visit...maybe she'd be ok just walking through the store real quick". She's always been a "rider" in the grocery store, but there's a first time for everything :)

Here she is, a BORN SHOPPER...

But then she got tired and find a genius way to "hitch a ride"...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Big Sister!

Well, the day we look forward to might not be here yet, but I can tell you one thing for sure, the day Father in Heaven blesses us with a new, little spirit in our home...Chandani will be the BEST Big Sister ever.

Everytime we're at a playdate with someone who has a little baby, Chandani LOVES to play with the baby. Sometimes she'd even rather play with the baby over the big sister (LOL) We are currently up to five baby dolls now, not sure how that happened, and she loves them all. Carrying them around, singing to them, trying to feed them Cheerios or a bottle and snuggling them warm my heart and always makes me smile!

Just the other day we went for a playdate and while the big sister was using the potty Chandani climbed down on the floor with the little sister. What I caught on film may be the CUTEST thing I've ever seen...