Ok, so for many of you it may come as no surprise that my two "babies" (Ravi & Chandani) have one very similar trait in common...they LOVES them some peaceful napping! Since day one, when the house got very quiet and I found myself alone, it was only a matter of seconds before I realized that my babies were napping together!
Or after church, on a lazy Sunday afternoon, it was not unusual to find my sweeties curled up catching some Zzzzzzz's together!
And now almost sixteen months have gone by and I sit here, late at night, in the livingroom listening to them make the same sleep sounds from different rooms :) I don't think these two could be any more alike...and I wouldn't change them for the world!
I know, I know...it's been FOREVER since I made any kind post. However, in my defense running after a one year old while taking online classes, magnifying my church calling, being over run with housework, actually doing my visiting teaching and preparing for a week of Girl's Camp does tend to take up a lot of time :( LOL! Ok, enough excuses :)
The best parts of my life continue to be my wonderful Eternal Companion and my more than precious baby girl...who like her cousin Annabelle is not so baby anymore :(
She never ceases to amaze me with the new and hysterical things she does everyday! The new thing she's started doing that absolutely cracks me up is this laying on the ground thing. It doesn't matter where we are whether it's home, church or someone else's house when she wants to get comfty it's down on the belly she goes.
And of course she's been walking for sometime, but the first time I caught it on video (via my not so clear iphone) was the absolute BEST!
Of course "daddy" never ceases to amaze me either :) I went to visiting teach a sister one night this past week and when I came home daddy had already put miss Chandani to bed. I went in to see her before I went to bed and nothing seems out of place or different. The next morning I woke up to my daughter dressed in this for bed... Daddy's sure got STYLE!!!
Our latest "big event" came in the form of the crib Chandani's been sleeping in since 4 months old being RECALLED :( A 1 yr old died from the metal tubes underneath the mattress collapsing as well as multiple other children being hurt for the same reason. Thank goodness we found out before anything like that happened to our little angel! After taking apart the crib myself (as Chandani cheered "thinking" she wasn't getting a nap), searching for a new crib, findining it at a store not too far away, taking back the old to get the new and putting it together late last night Chandani slept in it like a CHAMP.