This year has been like no other in my life!!!
January we finally received the blessing we had prayed for, our sweet little girl Chandani Grace. After 3 longs years of waiting she was here...and boy we had no idea what to do with her (LOL) but hugs and kisses were at the top of the list!
February Ravi turned 28 and we decided that we just might be able to survive a newborn who was SO CUTE...when she was sleeping of course!
March 1st Ravi blessed our litle miracle, giving her a name and blessing as we all shed a tear and soaked in the joy of the moment...on a lesser note, I turned 26 (BOOOOO!)
April is when I finally got the hang of this getting by on no sleep, motherhood thing and watched as my once teeny, tiny baby turn into a little sumo baby...yay for fat rolls and meaty thighs :)
May - June we welcomed warmer summer weather and attended "Mommy & Me Playdates" at the pool as well as had playdates with other good frienads :)
July was the month of some COOL first for us! We finally were old enough for Sun Tan lotion, which we used at the Beach, playdates and Grandma & Grandpas...and let's not forget it's when we started BABY FOOD!!! That was one great month :)
August we took our VERY first Family vacation to New York and SURVIVED! Very Cool!
By September we had just celebrated our FIVE YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY (Aug 27th) at Swanky "Morton's" Steakhouse. It was night I'll never forget! Ravi treated me like a Queen and when the glorious night came to a close and the clock struck...uh, 9:00pm we picked up our little anniversary "present" Princess from Aunt Sarah's and remembered how blessed we were.
October was our first Halloween with our little one as "Lilo" the night of our ward's Trunk or Treat and "Princess Belle" the actual night of Halloween!!! That night was also our first time using an umbrella stroller!
Novemember Chandani enjoyed Turkey (babyfood of course) with the rest of the crew and hit some HUGE milestones...FIRST TOOTH, FIRST TIME CRAWLING and WALKING WITH FURNITURE!!!
AND to finish off the year...
December we were elated to see her pull up to a standing position on Christmas Eve and walk with a push toy Christmas day. Our Chandani is the BEST gift our little family could have asked for and continues to overwhelm us with joy and love EVERY DAY!!!
Hope all of you had a GREAT year and here's to 2010 and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!